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What is an example of a mild thermal shock that ceramics can undergo during everyday use

Pouring hot coffee into a cup is a classic example, it is a mild thermal shock common to every day use, almost any type of clay product can withstand this ...

What is thermal shock in ceramics?

Thermal shock is a variation in temperature which causes tension in a material. It frequently causes breakage in the material, and is most common in brittle materials such as ceramics. This is a process that takes place abruptly when there is a sudden variation of temperature, either from hot to cold or vice versa.

What causes thermal shock in ceramics?

For monolithic materials, thermal shock occurs when a thermal gradient causes different parts of an object to expand by different amounts. Low thermal conductivity, high thermal expansion coefficients, sudden thick variations, and thick walls favor damages.

How does thermal shock affect ceramics?

Sudden changes in temperature cause localized thermal expansion, this produces tension and compression that easily cracks most ceramics.

Does ceramic get thermal shock?

Ceramic materials are used in many high-temperature applications due to their high melting point. However, they are particularly vulnerable to thermal shock failure because of their low toughness, low thermal conductivity, high Young's modulus and high thermal expansion coefficient.

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