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What is early adulthood?

Early adulthood is a period of rapid personal development when individuals experience major life transitions (e.g. leaving the parental home, leaving education, beginning employment, cohabitation and parenthood).

What are the characteristics of early adulthood stage?

Emerging adulthood and early adulthood (also called young adulthood) is the stage of life between adolescence and full-fledged adulthood. Early adulthood or young adulthood may also refer to: Young adulthood stage in Erik Erikson's model between early and middle adulthood.

What are early adults called?

Early Adulthood: Ages 17-45 (with 40 – 45 being the Midlife Transition years) Middle Adulthood: Ages 40-65 (with 60-65 being the Late Adult Transition years)

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  1. what is early adulthood stage
  2. what is considered early adulthood
  3. what happens during early adulthood
  4. why is early adulthood important
What is early adulthood definition

What is early adulthood development

What is early adulthood in health and social care