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What is economics in one word

Economics is the study of scarcity and its implications for the use of resources, production of goods and services, growth of production and welfare over time, and a great variety of other complex issues of vital concern to society.

What is economy one word answer?

An economy is a mechanism through which the scarce resources are prioritised and organised for the production of goods and services.

What word is economics?

The English term 'Economics' is derived from the Greek word 'Oikonomia'. Its meaning is 'household management'. Economics was first read in ancient Greece. Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher termed Economics as a science of 'household management'.

What is best definition of economics?

Economics is a social science that focuses on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and analyzes the choices that individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make to allocate resources.

Which word best describes economics?

Study of means and wants.


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What is Economics PDF

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