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What is employment insurance premiums

You must deduct Employment Insurance premiums on each dollar of your employees' insurable earnings until you reach the maximum yearly insurable earnings ($60,300 for 2022) or the maximum employee premium for the year ($952.74 for 2022).

Who must pay employment insurance premiums?

Who Has to Pay Employment Insurance (EI) Premiums? Employers, whether incorporated or not, are responsible for deducting EI premiums from all employees, regardless of age. The employer pays a premium of 1.4 times the employee premium, unless they qualify for reduced premiums under the Premium Reduction Program.

How does EI premium work?

In 2023, the employee EI premium rate will be $1.63 per $100. This premium rate and the MIE increase means that insured workers will pay a maximum annual EI premium in 2023 of $1,002.45 compared with $952.74 in 2022.

How much do I pay in EI premiums?

In 2022, the employee EI premium rate will be $1.58 per $100. This premium rate and the MIE increase means that insured workers will pay a maximum annual EI premium in 2022 of $952.74 compared with $889.54 in 2021.

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APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PREMIUM catalogue servicecanada gc ca/apps/EForms/ pdf /en/SC-NAS5022 pdf - For assistance see the guide called The Employment Insurance Premium Reduction Program which is available online at www servicecanada gc ca/prp - You must

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