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What is excessive yawning a sign of

The most common medical problems that are associated with increased yawning are sleep deprivation, insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and many medicines that cause sleepiness.

When should I be worried about yawning?

Heart problems—If yawning excessively is accompanied by chest pain or an irregular heartbeat, it could be a sign of a heart condition. Stroke—Sudden, severe yawning could be a warning sign of an impending stroke. Brain tumor—In rare cases, yawning excessively can be a symptom of a brain tumor.

Is yawning a sign of lack of oxygen?

As for the etiology of yawning, for many years it was thought that yawns served to bring in more air because low oxygen levels were sensed in the lungs. We now know, however, that the lungs do not necessarily sense oxygen levels. Moreover, fetuses yawn in utero even though their lungs arent yet ventilated.

What neurological disorder causes excessive yawning?

Yawning is a stereotyped physiological behavior that can represent a sign or symptom of several conditions, such as stroke, parakinesia brachialis oscitans, parkinsonism, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.

Is yawning a sign of stroke?

Pathological yawning can be a clinical sign in disorders affecting the brainstem. Here we describe seven patients with pathological yawning caused by acute middle cerebral artery stroke, indicating that pathological yawning also occurs in supratentorial stroke.

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Pathological yawning as a presenting symptom of brainstem jnnp bmj com/content/jnnp/early/2005/09/20/jnnp 2005 075267 full pdf 20 sept 2005 Excessive yawning can be a heralding sign of brainstem ischemia INTRODUCTION Yawning is a very common and phylogenetically old behavioural

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Clinical Significance of Yawning in Disorders of Consciousness and www epi ch/wp-content/uploads/Artikel-Guggisberg_2_14 pdf It can occur in excess due to a large variety of medical conditions Acute bouts of yawning are an early but unspecific warning sign for

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Yawning in Depression: Worth Looking Into - Thieme Connect www thieme-connect de/products/ejournals/ pdf /10 1055/s-0035-1545332 pdf 27 fév 2015 depressants; and yawning was not reported as a symptom of depression but in most cases (N = 56) as occurring as a result of

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Yawning as a presenting symptom of Chiari malformation Type I thejns org/pediatrics/download pdf /journals/j-neurosurg-pediatr/15/6/article-p612 pdf 27 mar 2015 brainstem 1 Although excessive yawning has been reported in brainstem strokes1 progressive supra- nuclear palsy9 demyelination8 and

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  7. is excessive yawning a sign of stroke
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