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What is first party customer data

First-party data is information a company collects directly from its customers and owns. First-party data (also known as 1P data) is part of the mosaic of data marketers have at their disposal. It can complement, enhance, and reduce the need for other types of data.

What is a first party customer?

Essentially you or your business are the first party that has collected unique information about your audience directly from your audience. First party data can include things like: Demographic information. Behaviors or actions taken across your website, app, and or product. Data in your CRM.

What is 1st party 2nd party 3rd party data?

To sum up, 1st party data is the most reliable and unique piece of information, coming from your own sources. The second party data is shared with various co-partners and might have less accuracy. 3rd party data, on the other hand, is a set of data from rather unknown sources.

What is first party data vs third party data?

First-party data is what you collect from your audience directly, via your own channels. Third-party data is collected by another entity that is entirely separate from your relationship with your audience. So these terms are about where data comes from — how it ends up in a marketer's hands.

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  1. what is first party data
  2. what is first party data in programmatic advertising
  3. what is first-party data targeting
  4. what is 1st party data
  5. first party versus third party data
  6. what is first party second party and third party data
  7. difference between 1st 2nd and 3rd party data
  8. types of first party data
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