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What is first-line and second-line treatment

Second-line treatment is treatment for a disease or condition after the initial treatment (first-line treatment) has failed, stopped working, or has side effects that aren't tolerated. It's important to understand "lines of treatment" and how they differ from first line treatment and can play a role in clinical trials.

What is first line treatment?

The first treatment given for a disease. It is often part of a standard set of treatments, such as surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiation. When used by itself, first-line therapy is the one accepted as the best treatment.

What is second-line medicine?

Treatment that is given when initial treatment (first-line therapy) doesn't work, or stops working.

What are lines of treatment?

Lines of therapy is the term used to describe the order in which different therapies are given to people as their disease progresses.

What is a second-line patient?

Second-line Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) regimens are used when patients develop treatment failure for first-line drug regimens. It is costly unaffordable and it is not widely available for patients in resource limiting setting, there is a need to maximizing the duration of stay on second-line regimen.

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What is first-line treatment

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