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What is guarantee simple definition

: an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another in the possession or enjoyment of something. : an assurance of the quality of or of the length of use to be expected from a product offered for sale often with a promise of reimbursement.

What is guarantee with example?

As a noun, guarantee is an agreement assuming responsibility to perform, execute, or complete something and offering security for that agreement. As a verb, it can assure someone that you have confidence in your product or service. For example: I guarantee that you'll love this product or you'll get your money back!

What's a word for guarantee?

A business guarantee is a commitment made by a business to honor the debts incurred under its company credit cards. It is similar to the personal guarantees extended by individual cardholders.

[PDF] Guarantees for development - OECD

Guarantees for development - OECD www oecd org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/GURANTEES 20report 20FOUR 20PAGER 20Final 2010 20Mar 2014 pdf To take a simplified example if there is a 30 probability that a guaranteed loan of USD 100 million will not be repaid but the price of guarantee is only

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Contract of Guarantee: Definition Essentials and Distinction from www lkouniv ac in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/202005252041344696CP-Contract 20of 20Guarantee-20-05-2020-converted pdf 25 mai 2020 Definition [S 126]:- In a contract of guarantee one person promises to pay the amount due from another person incase the another person not

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