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What is h2 database

H2 is free SQL database written in Java.Downloads · Tutorial · Quickstart · Cheat Sheet

What is H2 database vs MySQL?

MySQL is a server - based database - it runs as a separate process from your application, and is commonly used in production deployments. H2 is a lightweight database, which can run entirely in-memory, or with disk storage, either in your application's process (embedded) or in a separate process.

What is the purpose of H2 database?

H2 is a disk-based or in-memory databases and tables, read-only database support, temporary tables. H2 provides transaction support (read committed), 2-phase-commit multiple connections, table level locking. H2 is a cost-based optimizer, using a genetic algorithm for complex queries, zeroadministration.

Is H2 SQL or Nosql?

Welcome to H2, the Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are: Very fast, open source, JDBC API. Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases.

[PDF] h2pdf

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  1. what is h2 database in spring boot
  2. what is h2 database used for
  3. what is h2 database vs mysql
  4. what is h2 database console
  5. what is h2 database jpa
  6. what is h2 database server mode
  7. what is h2 in memory database
  8. what is jdbc url in h2 database
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