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What is happening with quickbooks desktop

What does service discontinuation mean? Your access to QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Services, Live Support, Online Backup, Online Banking, and other services through QuickBooks Desktop 2020 software will be discontinued after May 31, 2023. This also means you won't receive critical security updates starting June 1, 2023.

Will there be a QuickBooks Desktop 2023?

Under the "QuickBooks Desktop" section of the US website, there is only QuickBooks Premier Plus 2023 and QuickBooks Enterprise Plus 2023 available for purchase.

Why is QuickBooks Desktop not working?

You may have corruption on your hard drive. Your program files or QuickBooks Desktop installation may be damaged. You may have a damaged Windows operating system.

How do I update QuickBooks Desktop to 2022?

Go to the Downloads ɪmp; Updates page and select the standard setup. From Select Country, select your country. From Select Product, select your product. From Select Version, select your version (year).

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