What is good human development?
Human development is about providing more freedom and opportunity to the people for living their lives as they wish. For this, people should be able to improve and use their capabilities. Human development is a multidimensional concept.
Why is health important for human development?
As long as individuals of a country are healthy, their contribution to production and growth would increase. On the other hand, societies' often becoming ill would decrease their productivity. Thus, this would affect the economic development negatively.
What is human development and why is it important?
Human development is a branch of psychology with the goal of understanding people — how they develop, grow, and change throughout their lives. This discipline, which can help individuals better understand themselves and their relationships, is broad.
What is the main focus of human development?
People: the human development approach focuses on improving the lives people lead rather than assuming that economic growth will lead, automatically, to greater opportunities for all. Income growth is an important means to development, rather than an end in itself.
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- what is good human development
- what is human health development
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