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What is high level language used for

What Does High-Level Language (HLL) Mean? A high-level language is any programming language that enables development of a program in a much more user-friendly programming context and is generally independent of the computer's hardware architecture.

When was high level language used?

First tested in 1954 and commercially released in 1957, Fortran marked the beginning of computer software. It gave computer users the first accessible high-level language and enabled computers to optimize commands 20 times more efficiently.

Why do we need very high level language?

Very high level language (VHLL) is a high level programming language designed to reduce the complexity and amount of source code required to create a program. VHLL incorporates higher data and control abstraction abilities. A very high level programming language is also known as a goal-oriented programming language.

What does a high level language enable a user do?

High-level languages are programming languages that are designed to allow humans to write computer programs and interact with a computer system without having to have specific knowledge of the processor or hardware that the program will run on.

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In computer science a high-level programming language is a ccsuniversity ac in/bridge-library/ pdf /btech-cs/L1 20Introduction 20to 20High 20Level 20lang 20 20L1 pdf it may use natural language elements be easier to use or may automate (or even hide entirely) significant areas of computing systems (e g memory

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  1. what are high level programming languages used for
  2. high level language used for web designing
  3. what is very high level language
  4. why do we use high level language
  5. what are the advantages of using high level language
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