What is in the money in call option?
Call options are in the money when the stock price is above the strike price at expiration. The call owner can exercise the option, putting up cash to buy the stock at the strike price. Or the owner can simply sell the option at its fair market value to another buyer before it expires.
What is out of the money call option with example?
Consider a stock that is trading at $10. For such a stock, call options with strike prices above $10 would be OTM calls, while put options with strike prices below $10 would be OTM puts.
How do you know if a call option is in the money?
A call option is in the money (ITM) when the underlying security's current market price is higher than the call option's strike price. The call option is in the money because the call option buyer has the right to buy the stock below its current trading price.
What is OTM ATM and ITM?
Any option that has an intrinsic value is classified as 'In the Money' (ITM) option. Any option that does not have an intrinsic value is classified as 'Out of the Money' (OTM) option. If the strike price is almost equal to spot price, then the option is considered as 'At the money' (ATM) option.
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- what is call option with example
- what is call and put option with example