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What is in the senate infrastructure bill 2021

15 nov. 2021 · The Senate approved a $1 trillion package to improve and modernize the nation's aging infrastructure through a bipartisan 69-to-30 vote. The ...

What all is in the infrastructure bill?

This Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America's roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind.

What's in the build back better plan?

The bill's main goals include reducing current and future inflation, reforming corporate taxing, lowering prescription drug prices for consumers, extending health insurance subsidies through the Affordable Care Act, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions while boosting domestic energy production.

What was the vote for the infrastructure bill?

69 - 30. Record Vote Number: 314.

Who will profit from the infrastructure bill?

Winner: Global supply chain and delivery. With roughly $130 billion in new funding for transit systems and ports of entry, supply chain and parcel industries like Amazon, FedEx and UPS will reap the benefits without having to pay for using those new roads and ports.

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