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What is included in a home appraisal report

The appraisal report must include the definition of value (e.g., market value), the effective date of value, the subject property's relevant characteristics, and any other special instructions from the lender, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, VA, FHA, etc.

What is the biggest factor in a home appraisal?

Livable space is what is most important to buyers and appraisers. Bedrooms and bathrooms are most highly valued, so the more beds and baths your home offers, the more your home is generally worth.

What do appraisers look at the most?

One of the most important things home appraisers look for is comparable properties or comps. Comps are one of the key factors affecting appraisal value and are critical to the sales comparison approach to appraisal. Comps consist of similarly sized homes in the area that are on the market or have recently sold.

What makes a good appraisal report?

Accurate, Valid, and Reliable Data\n\n An effective performance appraisal system provides consistent, reliable, and valid data to help the management make strategic decisions. It furnishes data according to the goal that serves the purpose of performance appraisal and succession planning.

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  1. what do they check during a home appraisal
  2. what is considered during home appraisal
  3. what is included in home appraisal
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