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What is included in affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website. The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a purchase through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.

What are the 3 pillars of affiliate marketing?

There are three main types of affiliate marketing: unattached affiliate marketing, related affiliate marketing, and involved affiliate marketing. Unattached Affiliate Marketing: This is an advertising model in which the affiliate has no connection to the product or service they are promoting.

[PDF] Affiliate Marketing Handbook IAB

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  1. what is involved in affiliate marketing
  2. what to include in affiliate programs
  3. what affiliate marketing means
  4. what is affiliate in marketing
  5. what is affiliate marketing simple words
  6. what are the types of affiliate marketing
  7. what does affiliate marketing do
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