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What is included in the list price of a car

The manufacturer of an automobile suggests the price hence the manufacturer suggested retail price or MSRP. This price does not include the taxes, title, delivery or any other options that may have been added to the vehicle. The base price is listed on the sticker in the window.

What is classed as the list price of a car?

List price is the price of the basic car in white including any options, but excludes the items listed above that you need to break your new car out onto the road. Basically, all the stuff the OTR price includes.

Is list pricing the same as MSRP?

The MSRP is also referred to as the list price by some retailers. Other higher-priced goods, such as appliances and electronics, may have an MSRP as well. The MSRP is designed to keep prices at the same level from store to store.

What does the list price represent?

The list price is the stated value for which something is offered for sale through a particular channel such as a showroom, a retail store, a catalog or a retail, wholesale or distributor website.

What is included in on the road price?

On the road price covers everything you'll have to pay to get your brand new car on the road. It includes the car's list price, registration and delivery fees, and a year's road tax.

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  1. what is the list price of a car
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  3. what is the retail price of a car
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What is included in the list price of a new car

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