Why do I need indemnity insurance?
Indemnity insurance protects against claims arising from possible negligence or failure to perform that result in a client's financial loss or legal entanglement. A client who suffers a loss can file a civil claim.
What is an example of an indemnity?
The most common example of indemnity in the financial sense is an insurance contract. For instance, in the case of home insurance, homeowners pay insurance to an insurance company in return for the homeowners being indemnified if the worst were to happen.
What is the purpose of indemnity?
To indemnify means to compensate someone for his/her harm or loss. In most contracts, an indemnification clause serves to compensate a party for harm or loss arising in connection with the other party's actions or failure to act. The intent is to shift liability away from one party, and on to the indemnifying party.
[PDF] Warranty and Indemnity Insurance - AIG
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[PDF] professional indemnity factsheet - Nsure Insurance
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[PDF] Professional Indemnity Insurance - General Insurance - Great Eastern
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[PDF] Professional indemnity arrangement
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[PDF] 1 Frequently Asked Questions - Professional Indemnity - ICSI
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[PDF] Factsheet: Buying professional indemnity insurance
Factsheet: Buying professional indemnity insurance www fca uk/publication/other/fs027-buying-professional-indemnity-insurance pdf This factsheet is for you if you are a regulated firm that requires professional indemnity insurance (PII) cover including financial advisers mortgage
[PDF] Professional indemnity insurance fact sheet - CPA Australia
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[PDF] Guidance on who needs to obtain Professional Indemnity Insurance
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