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What is inflation premium formula

If the nominal and real rates of return are known, the inflation premium can be calculated using the following formula: IP = (1+NR) / (1+RR) – 1. Where NR is the nominal rate. RR is the real rate.

What's inflation premium?

The inflation premium is a method used in investing and banking to calculate the normal rate of return on an asset or investment when the general cost of goods and services rises over time, known as inflation.

How do you calculate real interest rate with inflation premium?

To calculate a real interest rate, you subtract the inflation rate from the nominal interest rate. In mathematical terms we would phrase it this way: The real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.

What is the inflation premium quizlet?

inflation premium (IP) a premium equal to expected inflation that investors add to the real risk-free rate of return.

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  1. how do you calculate inflation premium
  2. what is inflation rate and how it is calculated
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