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What is insurance policy surrender value

The surrender value is the actual sum of money a policyholder will receive if they try to access the cash value of a policy. Other names include the surrender cash value or, in the case of annuities, annuity surrender value.

How much will I get if I surrender my insurance policy?

Guaranteed Surrender Value is available after three years of holding the life insurance policy. This value is usually around 30% of the premiums you have paid, not including the first year. Between years 4-7 of holding the policy, this goes up to 50%.

What happens when a policy is surrendered for cash value?

What happens when a policy is surrendered for cash value? When a policy is surrendered, you'll lose coverage and no longer be responsible for paying insurance premiums. If your policy has cash value, you'll get this money after surrender fees have been taken into account.

How is surrender value paid?

Definition: It is the amount the policyholder will get from the life insurance company if he decides to exit the policy before maturity. Description: A mid-term surrender would result in the policyholder getting a sum of what has been allocated towards savings and the earnings thereon.


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  1. what is a life insurance policy surrender value
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