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What is it called risk associated with accepting a fake friend request

2 nov. 2017 · If you accept a friend request from a fake profile set up by a hacker, they can not only see everything you upload to Facebook they can ...

What is a risk of accepting a fake friend request?

Accepting friend requests from strangers can increase the risk of scammers spoofing YOUR profile, collecting personal information to gain access to online accounts (like your mother's maiden name, a common verification question used for resetting passwords), etc. Clean up the 'About Me' section.

What happens if you accept a friend request from a cloned account?

If you accept the request, the scammer gets to see a list of all of your friends. They can then send them friend requests. Suddenly, one of these fakers can build a friend list of several thousand. Those strangers you've welcomed into your Facebook world can also see all of your photos and posts.

Can you get a virus from accepting a friend request discord?

No. Firending someone on discord does nothing. Clicking a link or getting sent an image containing a virus can steal cookies which can get ur acc hacked. Its fake .

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