Is marketing a stressful field?
According to the study of the Workfront, one in four marketing professionals said that they experience high stress on a daily basis. 71 per cent of the marketers claimed that they experience the feeling of burning out while 66 per cent said that they are expecting an increase in the stress level in the near future.
Is a career in marketing a good choice?
Marketing is a good major because it's extremely versatile and may lead to a variety of high paying, in-demand careers, with great job satisfaction and opportunities for on-going education. Marketing majors may pull in $50k to $208k a year. The Top 10% of earners pulled in over $208,000!
What do you actually do in a marketing job?
Most industry experts agree that foundational digital marketing skills are not hard to learn. However, it can be challenging to master those skills and put them to effective use in digital marketing campaigns.
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