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What is life cycle means

noun the series of changes in the life of an organism including reproduction."the life cycle of gut parasites"

What is a life cycle explained?

A life cycle is a series of stages a living thing goes through during its life. All plants and animals go through life cycles. It is helpful to use diagrams to show the stages, which often include starting as a seed, egg, or live birth, then growing up and reproducing. Life cycles repeat again and again.

What is the example of life cycle?

A life cycle is the sequence of stages an organisms goes through from one generation to the next. Organisms that reproduce sexually can have different types of life cycles, such as haploid or diploid life cycles.

Which is known as the life cycle?

Life Cycles. Sexual reproduction occurs in a cycle. Diploid parents produce haploid gametes that unite and develop into diploid adults, which repeat the cycle. This series of life stages and events that a sexually reproducing organism goes through is called its life cycle.