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What is life expectancy with mesothelioma

The average life expectancy after a mesothelioma diagnosis is 18 – 31 months, with treatment. Some patients have been survivors for 10 years or longer. Factors such as mesothelioma type, stage and patient health can impact life expectancy. Treatment may help improve survival for some patients.

How long do you live after mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma Survival Rate – The mesothelioma survival rates is typically 4–18 months after diagnosis, but there have been patients diagnosed with mesothelioma who have lived longer than 10 years. The current five-year survival rate for the disease is just 10 percent.

What is death from mesothelioma like?

Most patients die from mesothelioma in stage 4, when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and caused extensive damage. Late-stage cancer causes organs to fail, impairs the immune system, causes malnutrition and wasting, and can even result in a coma.

Is mesothelioma always fatal?

Mesothelioma is a fatal disease. Even if caught early, mesothelioma is currently not curable. In very rare cases, mesothelioma can go into remission partially, meaning the cancer is still present but not active. Treatment options are available to extend a patient's life and make side effects more manageable.

How fast does mesothelioma progress?

There is a long latency period associated with mesothelioma, meaning that symptoms can take as many as 10 to 50 years to appear. Latency periods vary between each case of mesothelioma and depend on a number of factors such as age and length of time an individual was exposed to asbestos.