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What is an experimental treatment in biology

1. in research, the conditions applied to one or more groups that are expected to cause change in some outcome or dependent variable. 2. an intervention or regimen that has shown some promise as a cure or ameliorative for a disease or condition but is still being evaluated for efficacy, safety, and acceptability.

What is experimental treatment example?

What a researcher applies to experimental units is called a treatment. For example a medical doctor can prescribe three different types of drugs to three different groups of patients respectively to see the effectiveness of each drug.

What does treatment mean in experimental research?

An experimental approach is when a biologist sets up a procedure to test their predictions. In an experiment great care is taken to ensure that only one independent variable is changing. The biologist then measures the dependent variable to see whether or not their independent variable affects their dependent variable.

What is experimental method in biology?

Treatments are administered to experimental units by 'level', where level implies amount or magnitude. For example, if the experimental units were given 5mg, 10mg, 15mg of a medication, those amounts would be three levels of the treatment.

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  1. what does experimental treatment mean
  2. what is experimental treatment in research
  3. what is experimental procedure
  4. what is experimental in research
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