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Ranking factor

Les principaux ranking factors en 2019
  • L'âge du domaine. L'ancienneté d'un site web et de son domaine reste un facteur important de référencement pour Google. ...
  • Keywords et domaine. ...
  • La structure de l'URL. ...
  • La localisation. ...
  • Mot-clé principal. ...
  • Balises Hn. ...
  • Accessibilité et ergonomie. ...
  • La sécurité des utilisateurs.

What is the most important ranking factor?

Perhaps the most famous ranking factor is Google’s PageRank – invented at a time when, proportionately, a great deal more web browsing was done by clicking links from popular pages, the role of PageRank was to approximate the popularity, and therefore, by extension, authority, of a page on the internet. How are ranking factors combined?

What are the most important ranking factors for Google?

Another crucial ranking factor for Google is matching the search intent of your content. Search intent is basically what a user is looking for. Every keyword is different on Google and you need to understand the why behind that search query.

Is there such a thing as a “small ranking factor?

A Google rep recently called this a “ a very small ranking factor “. But a ranking factor nontheless. 56. URL String: The categories in the URL string are read by Google and may provide a thematic signal to what a page is about:

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