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Risk-Free rate Calculator

How do you calculate a risk-free rate?

This model estimates the required rate of return on investment and how risky the investment is compared to the total risk-free asset. It is used in the calculation of the cost of equity. Cost of equity = Risk free rate of return + Beta * (market rate of return - risk free rate of return).

How do you calculate risk-free rate CAPM?

The risk-free rate is the rate of return of an investment with no risk of loss. Most often, either the current Treasury bill, or T-bill, rate or long-term government bond yield are used as the risk-free rate. T-bills are considered nearly free of default risk because they are fully backed by the U.S. government.

Which rate is risk-free rate?

A risk-free rate is the rate of interest a borrower has to pay or an investor expects to earn on an asset carrying zero risks. It is the minimum return that an investment must give over a period to be profitable.

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