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Royalty free images for commercial use no watermark

Where can I get royalty-free images without watermark?

Unsplash is among the most popular websites where everyone can download curated and free images from a talented community of contributors. You can find almost every type of picture from a variety of categories such as fashion, technology, nature, animals and so on.

Are royalty-free images free for commercial use?

An image that is royalty-free is not necessarily free for commercial use — that is, any use that could lead to buying or selling something. The most reliable image services require you to pay a fee for a license that allows you to use the image for commercial or non-commercial uses, as long as you follow the terms.

What images are free for commercial use?

The two main image types to look for are Creative Commons (CC) and public domain images. Both can be a great resource, but each has its own rules: Public domain images are copyright free, so you can use and modify them however you like without paying anything.

Can I use Pexels images for commercial use?

You can use all images for free, even for commercial use. All images are completely royalty free and licensed under the Pexels license. Use them for any project you want.