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Rule 100 of the internet

Rules of the Internet is a list of protocols and conventions written anonymously to ... In January 2008, a set of 100 rules was added to Urban Dictionary.

What is rule zero of the internet?

"You can post porn, violence, somebody getting pushed down stairs, religious statues being defamed… and nobody gives a crap," says Deanna Thompson, one of the internet sleuths, "But in this seedy underbelly, there's an unwritten rule. And rule zero is 'don't f*** with cats'."

What is Rule 36 of the internet?

Rule 36: Anonymous does not forgive. Rule 37: There are no girls on the internet. Rule 39: One cat leads to another. Rule 40: Another cat leads to zippocat.

What is Rule 86 on the internet?

Rule 86: If it exists, you can play Bad Apple on it. No exceptions. Rule 87: Do not speak of the diner. Rule 103: For every song, there is a Vocaloid version of it.

What is 34th Rule of internet?

Rule 34 is an internet concept meaning that if something exists in real life, or is made up, there will be a pornographic depiction of it.