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S&P 500 total return historical data

What is the S&P 500 historical rate of return?

Sɪmp;P 500: $100 in 1926 → $1,054,352.96 in 2022\n\n This is a return on investment of 1,054,252.96%, or 10.04% per year. This lump-sum investment beats inflation during this period for an inflation-adjusted return of about 62,585.11% cumulatively, or 6.88% per year.

What is the 10 year total return on the S&P 500?

Basic Info. Sɪmp;P 500 10 Year Return is at 188.1%, compared to 174.2% last month and 266.3% last year.

What is the S&P 500 average return over the last 50 years?

The historical average yearly return of the Sɪmp;P 500 is 10.331% over the last 50 years, as of end of November 2022. This assumes dividends are reinvested. Adjusted for inflation, the 50-year average return (including dividends) is 6.102%.

What is the S&P 500 average return last 20 years?

Average Market Return for the Last 20 Years\n\n Looking at the Sɪmp;P 500 from 2002 to 2021, the average stock market return for the last 20 years is 8.91% (6.40% when adjusted for inflation).