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React architecture design

What is the architecture of React JS?

Architecture of the React Application\n\n React library is just UI library and it does not enforce any particular pattern to write a complex application. Developers are free to choose the design pattern of their choice. React community advocates certain design pattern. One of the patterns is Flux pattern.

Which architecture is best for React?

React itself is just a presentation layer library. If you use it along with Flux / Redux then you will be using the GoF Observer pattern, which roots back to Alan Key's MVC that is slightly different than "modern mvc" as popularized by 00's and 10's web frameworks.

Is React a MVC or MVVM?

React isn't an MVC framework. React is a library for building composable user interfaces. While this is true, the term MVC framework is more of a marketing term. The original MVC concept is closer to a design pattern and has nothing to do with frameworks.

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