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[PDF] Water-Wiki: An opportunity for UN-Water - PreventionWeb

Water-Wiki: An opportunity for UN-Water - PreventionWeb www preventionweb net/files/12130_0912WaterwikiFinalreport pdf The wiki concept allows registered users to input both their own information and to edit existing providing real-time stock market data Wiki: A

[PDF] Quantifying Wikipedia Usage Patterns Before Stock Market Moves

Quantifying Wikipedia Usage Patterns Before Stock Market Moves www nature com/articles/srep01801 pdf 8 mai 2013 related Wikipedia pages were viewed may have contained early signs of stock market moves Our results suggest that online data may allow us

[PDF] Stock market cycles - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


[PDF] Can Google predict the stock market?

Can Google predict the stock market? www ecb europa eu/events/ pdf /conferences/140407/presentations/panel1/Preis-Tobias-Preis-ECB-Frankfurt 1ac7136314e7e06115cb456003c36c74 Return [Std Dev of Random Strategies] Density Wikipedia Views Financial Topics Wikipedia Edits Financial Topics Random Strategy

[PDF] bse-greenex factsheetpdf

bse-greenex factsheet pdf www bseindia com/downloads/about/abindices/file/bse-greenex 20factsheet pdf The BSE-GREENEX is the 25th dynamic index hosted on the Bombay Stock Exchange It is a first of its kind benchmark index which assess the 'carbon

[PDF] Investor Demand for Contextual Information: Evidence from Wikipedia*

Investor Demand for Contextual Information: Evidence from Wikipedia* www anderson ucla edu/documents/areas/fac/accounting/working-papers/workshop 20papers/ChenqiZhu_JMP_2019Jan pdf It is ex ante unclear whether wiki-pages are useful for investors particularly to interpret Wikipedia usage patterns before stock market moves

    Sensitive period vs critical period

    Sensitive periods in brain development

    Sensor sizes