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Seo company coalition

What does an SEO company do?

An SEO agency performs search engine optimization, using on-page and off-page optimization strategies and tactics to increase a web page's search rankings.

How much does it cost to do SEO?

Average SEO costs are $100-$250 an hour for US SEO agencies. SEO costs often range from $2,500 – $10,000 per month for US agencies. The average SEO plan costs $2819 per month (per Ahrefs) Overseas SEO companies may charge $10-$50 an hour.

What does SEO means?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and is the process used to optimize a website's technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequence, search engines rank them better.

What do SEO services include?

SEO techniques include keyword strategy, content strategy, site audits, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, content development, and competitor analysis.

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