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SEO history timeline

Here are a few key algorithms that have shaped the history of SEO.
  • 1996 PageRank. ...
  • 2003 Florida. ...
  • 2004 TrustRank. ...
  • 2010 Google Caffeine. ...
  • 2011 Google Panda. ...
  • 2011 Google Freshness. ...
  • 2012 Google Penguin. ...
  • 2013 Google Hummingbird.

What is the history of SEO?

Although it could be argued that SEO and all things search engine marketing began with the launch of the first website published in 1991, or perhaps when the first web search engine launched, the story of SEO officially begins a bit later, around 1997.

When was SEO founded?

In the early years of SEO, webmasters would often stuff their website pages with keywords to get them to rank higher. They would use black-hat keyword stuffing techniques such as hiding them within invisible text or inside the website's code. Google eventually caught on to this and adjusted their algorithm.

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