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Server-side rate limiting

Server-Level Rate Limiting In distributed systems, rate limiting can be used for load-sharing among servers. For example, if one server receives a large chunk of requests out of ten servers in a distributed system and others are mostly idle, the system is not fully utilized.

What is rate limiting on server?

Rate limiting is a strategy for limiting network traffic. It puts a cap on how often someone can repeat an action within a certain timeframe – for instance, trying to log in to an account. Rate limiting can help stop certain kinds of malicious bot activity. It can also reduce strain on web servers.

What is server side throttling?

Throttling is a server side response where feedback is provided to the caller indicating that there are too many requests coming in from that client or that the server is overloaded and needs clients to slow down their rate of requests.

What is rate limiting in service mesh?

The purpose of rate limiting is to prevent a service from being overloaded with requests, either from the same client IP or globally, from any client. If we take an example of 100 requests per minute and send 101 requests to a service, the rate limiter will reject the 101st request.

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