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Shift premium meaning

Shift premium is additional pay provided for working split shifts or evening and night shifts or a split shift.

What is a shift payment?

Shift Payments means the shift differential payments made to individuals who work other than "day" shifts, and payments to supervisors of hourly employees who work a rotating shift or any shift other than a "day" shift ("rotating shift adjustment payments").

What is shift premium in Ontario?

Shift premium: $0.98 per hour for all regularly scheduled hours worked between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. (when 50% of regularly scheduled hours worked fall within this period, premium will be paid for all regularly scheduled hours worked). Paid holidays: 12 days.

What is shift premium Canada?

​(a) ​Where, because of operational requirements, an Employee is scheduled by the Employer to work shifts, that Employee shall receive two dollars and seventy-five ($2.75) cents per hour for working a shift where at least one-half of the hours in such shift fall between 3:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. ​ ​(b)

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    Shift premium Ontario

    Shift premium pay

    Shift premium policy