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Should be accessed in a static way

How do you access a method in a static way?

A static method can be called directly from the class, without having to create an instance of the class. A static method can only access static variables; it cannot access instance variables. Since the static method refers to the class, the syntax to call or refer to a static method is: class name. method name.

How are static variables accessed?

Static variables can be accessed by calling with the class name ClassName. VariableName. When declaring class variables as public static final, then variable names (constants) are all in upper case. If the static variables are not public and final, the naming syntax is the same as instance and local variables.

Where can static fields be accessed?

Once that static field exists, you can access it from outside or inside of the class without an instance of the class. When accessing it, you can simply get or change its value as you wish. The public modifier means that it can be accessed from anywhere in your program that the class can be accessed from.

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