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Reclamation meaning

noun the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right."the reclamation of our shared history"

What is the concept of reclamation?

Reclamation is the act of returning something to a former, better state. Land reclamation might involve razing a strip mall and planting crops. Reclamation is the noun form of the verb to reclaim. Most people involved in reclamation want to reclaim something out of a sense of moral or environmental duty.

What is an example of reclamation?

The foreclosure process is an example of reclamation. In this case, the lending institution reclaims ownership of a real estate property when the buyer defaults on a mortgage repayment obligation.

What is the meaning of reclamation projects?

Related Definitions\n\n Reclamation project means any land, facilities, and waterbodies used for water supply, water delivery, flood control, hydropower, or other authorized purposes including fish, wildlife, and recreation administered by Reclamation under Federal Reclamation Laws.

What is the purpose of reclamation?

Land reclamation means creating land either by removing water from muddy areas or raising the level of the land. With an increasing demand for land, it can be a good solution for creating areas for building, agriculture and other uses, but there are lots of things to think about before going ahead.

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