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Recognition of Prior Learning University of Pretoria

To qualify for Recognition of Prior Learning, applicants must be able to demonstrate that: The knowledge gained is relevant to the degree programme for which they are applying. The knowledge or experience is equivalent to the normal entrance requirements.

Who qualifies for recognition of prior learning?

You can apply for RPL if you have developed skills and knowledge through work experience. Learning from experience refers to work experience, in-service training, self-study or life experience, such as voluntary or community work.

How do I get a RPL certificate?

RPL means you can start your course at the appropriate level and reduce the amount of credits you need to study to gain a qualification. For example, you could use RPL to start in the second year of a Bachelor's degree or put it towards the total credits you need to complete a course.

How does Recognised prior learning work?

Once approved, recognition of prior learning is valid for a limited period (up to five years) which will be stated in the letter. If you do not attempt any examinations during this period, you may need to submit a new application for recognition of your prior learning.

On its own, the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is not a solution to either inequalities or unemployment, but it is an important strategy to address access to education and training for those previously excluded (SAQA, 2003a, p. 31) This study deals with the search for valid and sustainable mechanisms for the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in South Africa. Some of the elements that facilitate implementation include stringent quality criteria and ...


RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) - University of Pretoria repository up ac za/bitstream/handle/2263/30142/Complete sequence=3 30 avr 2004 3 1 Overview: RPL and its Purposes 3 1 1 A Credit-exchange Approach 3 1 2 A Developmental Approach 27 30 31 i University of Pretoria

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Recognition of prior learning: - ILO www ilo org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---ifp_skills/documents/publication/wcms_625895 pdf Pretoria South Africa Skills and Employability Branch Employment Policy Department Geneva Switzerland RPL Better jobs Out of informality Migration/

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