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Should i have 1 or 2 rest days

Rest days are an important part of any exercise program. They give the body a chance to repair and recover, and help to prevent injury. A person should plan to have at least one rest day every 7–10 days.

Should you take 1 or 2 rest days?

It turns out, exercise experts pretty much agree on the number of rest days people who are in good shape and exercising regularly should take: On average, you should be taking two days per week for rest and active recovery.

Is it OK to only have 1 rest day?

According to Debra, that depends on your current fitness level. If you are new to exercise, you should have about two days of rest within the week, she said. If you are a more experienced athlete and are more aware of your body, you can get by with just one day of rest per week.

Is it OK to take two rest days?

If you don't sleep well or long enough consistently for a few days, your reaction time, immunity, cognitive functions, and endurance will decrease, with compounds the symptoms of overtraining. Dr. Wickham says that two rest days in a row should be enough to reset the body back into a normal sleep schedule and cycle.

Is 1 Rest day enough between workouts?

24 to 48 hours of recovery between sessions for the same muscle group is usually enough. This way, we prevent overtraining, ensuring better results.

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