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Should I hold crypto long-term

If you're looking to invest in crypto for the long haul, it's important to go in with a plan. Select one or more specific cryptocurrency and only invest money that you can afford to lose if the investment goes south. That way you can ride out potential volatility and hold onto the asset for the long term.

Is it good to hold crypto long term?

If an investor can hold onto their crypto for long periods, they can weather the storm of short-term price drops as long as the underlying asset is valuable and will survive a bear market. With short-term trading, the scope for gains (and losses) is far greater.

How long should you hold cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency investing can be a wild ride. To give yourself the best chance of success, it's important to think not just about buying but also when to sell crypto. When investing in stocks, a good rule is to buy and hold for at least five years.

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