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Cancer blood test trial volunteer

The NHS is trialling a new blood test to detect cancer, often before symptoms appear. Volunteer to take part if you are invited.Taking part · About the trial · Who will get a Galleri test · Your 12 month appointment

Can I volunteer for cancer blood test trial?

If you're aged 50 to 77 and the study is coming to a place near you you'll get a letter and then it's very easy – you can phone up or you can go on the internet to respond to say, ​'yes, I'd like to take part. '

Can I volunteer for the Galleri blood test trial?

Around 140,000 volunteers aged 50 to 77 have registered to take part in the trial after receiving an invitation letter from the NHS. As a participant, you will soon be invited to book your second (12 month) appointment.

How do I join the NHS cancer trial?

You can ask your doctor or a patient organisation if they know of any clinical trials that you may be eligible to join. You can also search for information on a number of websites and register your interest in taking part in research.

Is Galleri cancer test worth it?

In a large-scale study, the Galleri test had a false-positive rate of less than 1%. This means that in roughly 200 people tested without cancer, only one received a result saying cancer was detected when it wasn't there. The accuracy of the test varies with different types of cancers, and also how advanced they are.

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