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Cannot load jdbc driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.driver' tomcat

Could not load driver com mysql jdbc driver?

Could not load driver com mysql jdbc driver? Driver occurs if there is a disparity between mysql driver class, mysql driver jar version and mysql database version. The java application attempts to load a driver class from the mysql database driver jar.

How do I fix no suitable driver found for jdbc mysql?

In brief, we can say that such an error occurs when no JDBC JAR file is added to the classpath of Java. Just we need to add the JAR file to the classpath and then execute the code. The code will hopefully get executed with success.

What does class Forname com mysql JDBC driver do?

It will create a new instance of the com. mysql. jdbc. Driver class and hence call the static initialization which will register the driver with the DriverManager so you can create mysql connections based on the URL you use in the second line.

What is the driver class for mysql?

The name of the class that implements java. sql. Driver in MySQL Connector/J is com. mysql.

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