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Canon Film Camera price

Avis 4,3 (869) 35mm SLR (Single-Lens-Reflex) camera with electronically controlled AE (Automatic Exposure) and focal plane shutter. Canon FD series interchangeable lenses ...Vintage Canon AE-1 Program... · Canon EOS Rebel GII 35mm · ElectronicsFilm Color: color, black-and-white
Min Shutter Speed: 1/1000 seconds
Max Shutter Speed: 2 seconds
Viewfinder Magnification: 1X

What is the average price of a film camera?

Guide to Photography Film Costs A new 35mm film camera with a standard lens will cost somewhere between $300 to $500. Any professional digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera will have you paying more than $1,000 without a lens.

What was the best Canon film camera?

Average PriceUSD $16.48 Today's average price of a single roll of 35mm (36 exp.) Kodak Portra 400 in USD is $16.48. It went up (on average) by about $0.75 since February 18, 2022. Tracked since: November 4, 2018.

What is the price of 35mm film?

Here are the 3 Canon film cameras: Canon EOS 620 - EF lens mount electronic Canon film camera. Canon T90 - FD lens mount electronic Canon film camera. Canon FTb-QL - FD/FL lens mount all mechanical Canon film camera.

Canon film camera repair

Canon film camera vintage

Canon film camera wiki