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Capital case Writing

Capitalisation is the writing of a word with its first letter in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercase. Capitalisation rules vary by language and are often quite complex, but in most modern languages that have capitalisation, the first word of every sentence is capitalised, as are all proper nouns.

What are 5 rules for capital letters?

Capital letters, also called upper-case letters, are larger than, and often formed differently from, lower-case letters. Capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence or a proper name and may be used to show respect. Some examples are: The dog barked, Daniel, the Lord, and Queen Elizabeth.

What is an example of a capital letter?

UPPERCASE – capitalizes all letters in the selection. Capitalize Each Word – capitalizes each word in the selection (often called title case). tOGGLE cASE – shifts between two cases.

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Capital cases definition