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Capital cases require a unanimous verdict from the jury quizlet

Do all states require 12 jurors to be empaneled for capital cases?

3 - A fundamental principle of death penalty law in the United States is that no person may be convicted of a capital crime except by the unanimous verdict of a 12-member jury. That is the law in all of the 38 states that have the death penalty, as well as in federal cases.

When someone has been found guilty of a capital offense How many jurors must agree to the death sentence for it to be carried out quizlet?

Of the Eighth Amendment ban on "cruel and usual punishment." When someone has been found guilty of a capital offense, how many jurors must agree to the death sentence for it to be carried out? A third of them; Half of them; and Three quarters of them.

What happens during jury deliberation in a criminal court case quizlet?

What happens during jury deliberation in a criminal court case? The jurors discuss the case and decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

What is the minimum number of jurors for a civil case quizlet?

There must be at least six jurors to satisfy the right to a jury trial under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. If more than _______ months' imprisonment is authorized, the offense is considered "serious" for determining whether a defendant has a constitutional right to a jury trial.

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