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Canada government composition

Parliament consists of the Crown, the Senate, and the House of Commons, and laws are enacted once they are agreed to by all three parts. Since Canada is a federal state, responsibility for lawmaking is shared among one federal, ten provincial and three territorial governments.

What is the makeup of the Canadian Parliament?

Composition. The body consists of the Canadian monarch, represented by a viceroy, the governor general; an upper house, the Senate; and a lower house, the House of Commons. Each element has its own officers and organization. Each has a distinct role, but work in conjunction within the legislative process.

What type of government does Canada have 2022?

A constitutional monarchy, the Crown is the corporation sole, assuming distinct roles: the executive, as the Crown-in-Council; the legislature, as the Crown-in-Parliament; and the courts, as the Crown-on-the-Bench.

What are the 3 parts of Canada's government?

​​In Canada's system of parliamentary democracy, there are three branches of government that guide the governance of both Canada and its provinces: the executive, legislative​, and judicial branches.

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