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Caplet pricing example

How many caplets in a cap?

The price of the cap is the sum of the price of each of the seven caplets. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

How are caps priced?

The longer the term, the more expensive the cap. Generally, each additional month of the cap term is more expensive than the previous month; pricing does not increase linearly with term. For example, the third year of a cap is often materially more expensive than the first two combined.

What is a caplet derivative?

caplet (plural caplets) (finance) A component of an interest rate cap, a derivative instrument that effectively prevents the interest payments on an otherwise variable-rate loan from exceeding an agreed level (the "cap").

How are interest rate options priced?

Option prices are expressed also in terms of annualised percentage equivalents. As with traded interest rate options, the dollar price of the option is equal to its price in basis points multiplied by the value of 1 basis point.

Caplet pricing formula

Caplet pricing hull white

Caplet pricing using black's formula