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Canada head of state role

The governor general's role and responsibilities consist mainly in carrying out many of the duties on behalf of The King. For example, he or she presides over the swearing-in of the prime minister, the Chief Justice of Canada and cabinet ministers. However, there are powers that can only be exercised by The King.

What position is the head of state in Canada?

The monarch, King Charles III, is personally represented by a governor general (currently Mary Simon) and is head of state.

Who appoints the head of state in Canada?

The Governor General is appointed by the King on the recommendation of the Prime Minister for a tenure of usually five years which may be extended at the discretion of the Sovereign.

Who is the head of state in Canada but does not play an active role in its government?

In reality, the Queen doesn't care one way or another, and is not personally involved in these decisions. Formally, King Charles is described as being Canada's head of state — a symbolic figure of political authority — but the prime minister is called the head of government — the actual ruler of the country.

Why is Canada head of state a queen?

Canada's monarchy was established at Confederation, when its executive government and authority were declared (in section 9 of the Constitution Act, 1867) to continue and be vested in the monarch.

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