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Car accident claims uk

Can I claim for car accident injuries in the UK?

Unfortunately, car accidents are prevalent in the UK, and various factors could be to blame. If you have sustained injuries due to a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, rightly, you may consider making a car accident claim for the damages you’ve suffered.

How do I make a claim for a car accident?

If you need to hire another vehicle it should normally be similar to your own vehicle. To make a claim, get a form from your insurer or write to the other driver or their insurer, giving details of the accident and the other driver's policy number. Tell your insurer about any independent witnesses and send them witness statements if you can.

What damages can I claim after a car accident?

The pain of the injury: You can seek compensation for the pain and distress your injury has caused you – this is known as general damages. Repair costs: Compensation for the vehicle, or other items within your vehicle damaged in the crash (though this may be covered by your insurance)

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